Strategic Initiatives, Policy, and Emerging Technologies

OED’s Strategic Initiative, Policy and Emerging Technologies (SIPET) portfolio supports DOT&E’s strategic test and evaluation (T&E) objectives and ability to rigorously analyze military systems. Our research includes method development and guidance in emerging and technical areas such as joint T&E, T&E of artificial intelligence-enabled and autonomous systems, data management, modeling and simulation, T&E resources, and T&E of software-enabled systems. We disseminate this work to the T&E community by conducting external training, producing publications, and developing tools. Through the SIPET portfolio, OED intends to be a liaison to DOT&E oversight programs seeking to apply new methods or guidance and to understand how a specific program’s T&E concepts may be universally applicable. We aim to have an overarching view of the DOT&E oversight portfolio by understanding trends across programs, portfolios, and offices.