IDA in the Research Community Archives, 2024-Q4

IDA Research Staff participate actively in various professional activities – both within their disciplines and ancillary to them – including publishing in the open literature. Below are some recent citations of IDA Researchers and their work.

AGU Annual Meeting
IDA staff attended and presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, held December 9-13, 2024, in Washington, D.C. More than 25,000 people from 100 countries attended AGU24: What’s Next for Science, making it the largest gathering of Earth and space scientists.
Patel and Team Win at MIT Policy Hackathon
Kush Patel was part of a team that won first place in the climate challenge category at the MIT Policy Hackathon. The annual hackathon allows participants to work in teams to develop creative policy solutions posed by government and industry partners.
Garibaldi Published Mathematics Book
CCR-L Director Skip Garibaldi published a book on mathematics, “Albert Algebras Over Commutative Rings,” with Cambridge University Press. Skip’s co-authors, Holger Petersson and Michel Racine, are university professors.
Goldberg Published in MOR Journal
IDA’s Matthew Goldberg and David Goldberg, professor at San Diego State University, co-authored a paper in the Military Operations Research journal, published by MORS. The paper focuses on military air-to-ground weapons purchases and builds on a similar topic that the authors published in the same journal in 2019.
Bishai, Burchard and Daly Published in Small Wars Journal
Linda Bishai and Stephanie Burchard and Sarah Daly published their research on African vulnerability to Russian private military companies (PMCs) in the Small Wars Journal. In the article, Linda, Sarah and Stephanie present a framework for identifying characteristics of countries that solicit or support Russian PMC interventions.
Greenwood Inducted Into Marine Corps Program
Tom Greenwood was inducted into the Marine Corps Gazette Distinguished Authors Program at the Fifth Annual National Meeting of the Marine Corps Association and Dinner on October 2. The ceremony is available on YouTube (Tom’s part starts at 34:07).
Bishai Featured in Publishers Weekly
Linda Bishai was featured in a recent Publishers Weekly article, focusing on Linda’s remarks during her keynote address for the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers Association conference. The article summarizes the case Linda made for a holistic approach to AI development, one that would involve social scientists and historians to ensure that AI best serves humanity.
Copple Published in Parameters
Regan Copple authored a paper published in the Autumn 2024 edition of the U.S. Army War College’s Parameters. The article shares that the “Indications and Warnings subfield of intelligence has traditionally divided warnings into a dichotomy of ‘ambiguous’ and ‘unambiguous’ that gives policymakers a false sense of security.”
Joslyn Published in War Room
Betsy Joslyn and co-author Andrew Olson, a wargamer at CNA, published an article in War Room that presents a systematic approach to empowering the next generation of wargamers and effectively integrating them into teams. The article addresses a need to expand the supply of experienced wargamers as the demand for wargames by DOD leadership grows.
Whitley and Shaffer Published in National Defense
John Whitley and IDA consultant Al Shaffer co-authored an article for National Defense on how the DOD might improve the efficiency of its acquisition approach. John and his co-author argue that although the U.S. is accelerating defense innovation as it refocuses on near-peer adversaries, the DOD must streamline its acquisition systems to maintain the technological advantage of the U.S.
Wong Writes Book Review for Science Magazine
Gifford Wong wrote a book review for Science on former U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern’s new release, “Landing the Paris Climate Agreement.” The book is a chronological account of the seven-year negotiation that led to the Paris Agreement. In his review, Gifford notes how the author balances detailed narration with a high-level perspective on diplomatic strategy.
Ross Awarded Climate and Security Fellowship
Katherine Ross joined the 2024-2025 class of the Gordon R. Sullivan Climate and Ecological Security Fellowship at the Center for Climate and Security. During the fellowship, Katherine will learn about how climate can exacerbate geopolitical tensions and how to mitigate those risks. The highly sought Sullivan Fellowship aims to forge the next generation of climate-informed national security practitioners.
Mikulska Spoke at Helsinki Commission Briefing
Anna Mikulska served on a panel of experts to brief the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission) on the future of European energy security. The panelists will address Europe’s progress in reducing dependence on Russian energy and the need to build out current infrastructure. They will also offer policy recommendations for limiting Russia’s ability to weaponize energy and will provide an overview of Ukraine’s energy security needs. The briefing took place October 16 on Capitol Hill.