The Impact of Predictive Avoidance Restrictions on Astronomical Observatories

November, 2010
IDA document: d-4202
FFRDC: Science and Technology Policy Institute
Type: Documents
Kramer, Steven D.
This document examines the impact of the Department of Defense Laser Clearinghouse predictive avoidance procedures on the science, operations, and personnel of two civilian astronomical observatories, Gemini North and Keck II. These procedures, which are mandated by the National Science Foundation for observatories it supports, are designed to protect satellites from lasers used by the observatories to produce an adaptive optics laser guide star for increased imaging resolution. The two observatories were chosen since they receive support from the National Science Foundation and they represent two different observing paradigms. Gemini primarily uses a queue observing mode, while Keck uses the classical observing model.