Retain the Family: What It Takes to Keep Dual-Income Military Households

January, 2024
IDA document: 3000516
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
Jacklyn R. Kambic, Juliana Esposito, Emily A. Fedele, Jared M. Huff, Anusuya Sivaram, Mikhail Smirnov See more authors
To support the Fourteenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, IDA completed three lines of fact-finding analyses on the topic of military retention as a household decision. The report outlines a methodology for estimating the effect of military spouses’ employment outcomes on service members’ retention decisions, provides an overview of existing literature on this subject, and discusses the results of a qualitative analysis that supplements this available literature and a preliminary data analysis of compensation and retention in selected occupations.