IDA Space Forum - Envisioning a Future in Cislunar Space: Opportunities and Challenges

November, 2024
IDA document: 3003613
FFRDC: Science and Technology Policy Institute
Type: Documents , Space
Dylan H. Cohen, Pragya Jain See more authors
IDA hosted an invite-only forum to discuss the future technical and policy challenges in cislunar space on May 9, 2024. The forum brought together 50 space experts from the U.S. military, civil, academic and commercial sectors and fostered a robust dialogue on navigating an uncertain future while optimizing opportunities for engagement across sectors in cislunar space development. The forum underscored the importance of multilateral and multi-stakeholder engagement in cislunar governance to ensure the long-term peaceful use of the moon. The forum was held under the Chatham House Rule; as such, this document summarizes the ideas presented across the panelists and participants but does not attribute individual names or organizations to those ideas.