Final Assessment of the Extreme Weather and Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tool

March, 2021
IDA document: D-11598
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Energy-Environment
Division: Science and Technology Division , Science, Systems and Sustainment Division
Jennifer L. Bewley, Jacob B. Bartel, Shelley M. Cazares, Sara C. Runkel See more authors
The goal of the final evaluation of the Department of Defense Climate Assessment Tool (DCAT) was to assess how the tool’s output could best be used to inform high-level mitigation planning and infrastructure development. The evaluation also identified areas of potential tool enhancement and new investment areas for future research. We found that the DCAT webtool provides a consistent way to produce exposure assessments at the installation or regional level. However, there are a few caveats to the use of DCAT outputs.