Assessing the Impact of Removing Demographic Indicators from Military Selection Boards

February, 2024
IDA document: P-33193
FFRDC: Systems and Analyses Center
Type: Documents , Human Capital
Division: Strategy, Forces and Resources Division
Dina Eliezer, Cullen A. Roberts, Joseph F. Adams, Juliana Esposito, Janna R. Mantua, Theresa K. Mitchell, Christopher D. Oswald, Heidi C. Reutter, Jishen E. Wang, Ashlie M. Williams See more authors
This IDA paper assesses the potential impact of removing data that directly or indirectly identifies race, ethnicity and gender in Department of Defense (DOD) promotion and selection procedures. The report also includes an implementation plan for recommended changes. IDA did not find evidence to suggest that removing indicators of race, ethnicity and gender (i.e., removing names and pronouns) would improve diversity outcomes, and does not advise that DOD removes these at this time. Rather, IDA encourages DOD to consider strategies to strengthen board procedures and address key inputs to the boards, such as evaluations and developmental experiences.