Clarification Regarding Report on ‘Prohibited Extremist Activities in the U.S. Department of Defense’

Clarification of Recent Media Reporting Statement Clarification of Recent Media Reporting Statement

The IDA report on prohibited extremist activities in the Department of Defense (DOD) was the product of a review conducted over a one-year period beginning on June 21, 2021. The field work for the report was completed in March 2022, and the report was delivered to DOD in June 2022. IDA stands behind the rigor of the analysis and remains confident that the findings of the report, including findings with regard to the prevalence of violent extremism in the DOD, were solidly based on the best data available at the time the work was conducted.

Effects of Ethics Regulations for Post-Government Employment

Effects of Ethics Regulations for Post-Government Employment Effects of Ethics Regulations for Post-Government Employment

In response to congressional tasking in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, the Secretary of Defense asked IDA to assess the effect of certain ethics requirements on the Defense Department’s recruitment and retention and its ability to detect, deter, prevent and redress ethical misconduct. This summary describes the findings of IDA’s review.