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IDA | Space
IDA provides rigorous, independent and objective analyses on space issues to sponsors across the federal government.
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The Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) is a private, nonprofit corporation headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.
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IDA in the Research Community
See recent citations of IDA researchers and their work.
What China’s Presence in Cislunar Space Represents to the U.S.
This summary describes IDA’s research on China’s cislunar space activities, a component of the nation’s broader plan to establish a long-term presence in space. It also notes the effect these intentions have on the U.S. and provides possible response options.
IDA Ideas Podcast on Nuclear Deterrence
In this IDA Ideas, Jim Platte explains nuclear deterrence and the geopolitical and technological factors that affect U.S. nuclear strategy. Rhett Moeller hosts the podcast.